
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - July 2012


How will we face them? A man was crying. Someone inquired the reason. The man replied that Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s face will be showed in the grave and will be asked that what you think about this person. So, if face of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is shown and I was not sincere with him then how will I face Him. I am crying on this.
MIRACLES OF ASSOCIATION WITH MUHAMMADI PBUH: O Allah’s men! We have very strong associations; we are very rich. We are associated with Muhammad PBUH. Last ummah; last Prophet. Nobody will get this association after Prophet Muhammmad PBUH. One Sahabi narrated that once I visited Hazrat Ans RA. I ate food; he then asked his maid to bring a towel to clean hands. She brought the towel; it was soiled. Hazrat Ans RA expressed annoyance and asked her to wash and bring it. He then threw the towel in the oven baking breads. The Sahabi RA asked him why he threw it. Hazrat Ans RA replied that Prophet Muhammad PBUH had cleaned his hands with that towel so it can’t burn. Fire will not touch the towel which came in contact with Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s hands. If you are sincere with Prophet Muhammad PBUH; you saved his sunnahs in your heart. Imagine, fire will not touch the towel which the Prophet PBUH touched. If you will save the sunnahs in your heart then will the fire touch you? No way; you cannot even imagine!
Hazrat Fatima RA was making rotis. Prophet Muhammad PBUH adored Hazrat Fatima RA a lot. Prophet Muhammad PBUH took the dough, made the roti and asked Hazrat Fatima RA, ‘Fatima, place it in the oven’. Hazrat Fatima RA placed the breads in the oven. All the breads were baked except for that one piece. It stayed uncooked. Hazrat Fatima RA told her father that the roti did not cook. Prophet Muhammad PBUH smiled and said that, ‘how can fire bake the bread which was touched by Prophet Muhammad PBUH?’
Flour was touched by Muhammad PBUH’s hands; it dint cook. Towel was touched by Muhammad PBUH’s hands; it dint blaze. What do you think about the sunnahs and the methods which came from Prophet Muhammad PBUH’S hands, his body, his eyes, his ears, and his heart; if you will embrace them then what will your esteem be near Allah and near his Prophet Muhammad PBUH; just imagine!
WHO HAS THE AUTHORITY OF PEACE AND SERENITY: So, Allah’s men, Allah have given us the opportunity today. We will stay busy in our lives and keep carrying out our duties. We shall then become tired, die and go sleep in our graves. Peace and tranquility is related to our fate; money has nothing to do with it. If it is in our fate, then it will be given to those who will please Allah who has treasures of peace and tranquility.
RELIGION ACCORDING TO OUR MOOD OR ACCORDING TO SHARIAH: I was sitting with a chaste being one day; he said something which clicked my heart. He said we either follow religion according to our temperament or according to Shariah. Today we are following religion according to our nature. So, every one of us should decide whether he is following his mood or following shariah. Where our heart consent, we agree to it and where our heart does not agree, it is said that everyone debates on it then that tell me, what should I do? Then they give different arguments and make up different logics. So do you want to follow religion according to yourself or according to shariah. So, remember these words from now on and tie them in your knot that Allah and his Prophet have asked us to follow religion according to shariah and not according to your own say. Allah has gifted you and me with such precious associations and these incidents are proving it that those who valued these associations, succeeded. Allah has honored them who respected these associations. Allah elevated them; positioned them high. Allah blessed them with a lot of respect; they received success and respect in the world and will receive eternal victory in the world here after. INSHALLAH. But only to those who valued the associations.
MY PLEA TO YOU: My request to you is to recognize your associations; the dog associated himself with the chaste beings and raised the value of his association and it was elevated. The camel was raised and went to heaven; the date trunk also acquired a status in heaven…. What do you think that in today’s world there will be hundreds and thousands of date trunks; even today there are so many dates so do all the trunks have that association? No no.. That date trunk was touched by Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s body; it was associated with Prophet PBUH’s feet. You tell me that what is an ummati’s association? We will be sincere and live being sincere to Him, live according to the shariah, then Allah will bless us a lot; will gift us tranquility. (To be continued)
Respected HAZRAT (db)
My husband comes from Bahawalnagar to attend your sermon of spirituality and peace. Due to the benevolence of attending dars, my husband’s life has changed positively. He has started offering all five prayers. My children aged eight and ten have also started offering salat. My home is filled with peace now. I listen to your dars on CD. Your dars has changed our lives completely. I only wanted such tranquility in my home which I have found through your dars. May ALLAH grant me, my husband and children blessing to follow his commands. [Andaleeb Afzaal]

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